Metal Detecting

                               Member of :The Central Council of Physical Recreation

                       SEARCH AGREEMENT

I……………………………………………………...being the owner / occupier of land premises known as:…………………………………………………..…..............................................................
situated at: ..............................................................................................................................................

agree that in consideration of the payment to the landowner / occupier  of………...% of the value or, rewards arising from the recovery of any property or objects found by the undersigned
[herein after called the licensee(s)] over the value of £ .......... , the licensee(s) may enter the said land or part thereof to search for items of buried or other material, whether antique or modern.
This agreement shall continue in force from (date) ………………………
                                                          until (date). ……………………...
provided that: -
1 The licensee(s) shall hold a current NCMD membership card showing, details of their £10,000,000
   Public Liability Insurance cover.
2. The licensee(s) shall always observe and adhere to the Code of Conduct as set out by the NCMD 
   (See overleaf)
3. The licensee(s) shall strictly observe and adhere to any guidelines or special conditions and area
     boundaries, which may be set out by the owner / occupier from time to time.
     Special conditions and boundaries:

Signed ………………………………….Owner / Occupier Date………………………...........................

Signed ………………………………….........................Licensee Date …………………..................….

Name ……………………………………………..................................................................................


Signed…………………………………...........................Licensee Date…………………………............



NGW 2015 Paragon of Metal Detecting & Archaeology
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Trevor Austin. NCMD General Secretary.
51 Hilltop Gardens Denaby Doncaster. DN12 4SA. Tel: 01709 868521