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More Indepth notes on Metals
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Geological Rocks & Minerals
Designed by Nigel G Wilcox
Ref: A11
Non-Commercial Research Identification
Name: Road Cut Revealing Palagonite Ash Layers
Location: Between mile markers 33 and 36 Maui
Date: 2009
This road cut has exposed yellow/orange striped layers of ash. The top layer of ash is due to the heat of the of the basalt lava flow on top.
Name: Cut Revealing Palagonite Ash Layers
Location: Between mile markers 33 and 36 Maui
Date: 2009
This road cut has exposed yellow/orange striped layers of ash. The top layer of ash is due to the heat of the of the basalt lava flow on top
Name: Road Cut Exposing Trachyte Ash
Location: Between Kahakuloa and Waihe'e, Maui
Date: 2009
This road cut has exposed ash beds displaying various polygon forms and rust colored bands having a bull's-eye appearance. The rust color is from iron oxide that has seeped into the ash through fractures. This concentric color ring effect is called diffusion bands.
Name: Road Cut Exposing Trachyte
Location: Between Kahakuloa and Waihe'e Maui
Date: 2007
This road cut has exposed ash beds displaying various polygon forms and rust colored bands having a bull's-eye appearance. The rust color is from iron oxide that has seeped into the ash through fractures. This concentric color ring effect is called diffusion bands.
Copyright © All Rights Reserved  by Nigel G Wilcox  ·   ·  E-Mail: ngwilcox100@gmail.com
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