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British Sterling Currency - Numismatics,
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Ethelred II Silver Penny  1.2g   978-1016 AD    House of Wessex

Æthelred the Unready, or Æthelred II (c. 968 - 23 April 1016), was king of England (978-1013 and 1014-1016). He was son of King Edgar and Queen Ælfthryth. Æthelred was only about 10 (no more than 13) when his half-brother Edward was murdered. Æthelred was not personally suspected of participation, but as the murder was committed at Corfe Castle  by the attendants of Ælfthryth, it made it more difficult for the new king to rally the nation against the military raids by Danes, especially as the legend of St Edward the Martyr grew. Later, Æthelred ordered a massacre of Danish settlers in 1002 and also paid tribute, or Danegeld , to Danish leaders from 991 onwards. His reign was much troubled by Danish Viking  raiders. In 1013, Æthelred fled to Normandy and was replaced by Sweyn, who was also king of Denmark. However, Æthelred returned as king after Sweyn  died in 1014.

"Unready" is a mistranslation of Old English unræd (meaning bad-counsel) - a twist on his name "Æthelred" (meaning noble-counsel).

* Aethelred II AR Penny. Lincoln mint, ca 978-979. Grind, moneyer. First Small Cross type. Ã~FDEL REX AELON around central circle enclosing diademed & draped bust left / + GRIND M-O LINEC around central circle containing small cross pattee.1.37 grams.

**Anglo-Saxon Kings of All England, Aethelred II AR Penny. First hand type, circa 979-985. Northampton mint; Leofsige, moneyer. Diademed bust right / +LEOFSIG P-O HAPT, manus Dei flanked by A W. SCBI 9 (Ashmolean)

***Anglo-Saxon Kings of All England, Aethelred II AR Penny. ca 985-991, London mint, Aelfget moneyer. +AEQELRED REX ANGLOX, diademed and draped bust right, with scepter before / +AE MO LVND, hand of providence coming from clouds, A on left, W on right.

****AEthelred II AR Penny. Southhampton mint, struck ca 991. Benediction Hand type. + Ã~FÃ~PELRÃ~FD REX ANGLORX around central circle enclosing diademed & draped bust right / + IZEGEL M-O HAMP around central circle containing Hand of God in Benediction, the last two fingers pointed upward, curved and volute sleeve & small cross.

*-Aethelred II, 978-1016, AR Penny. Crvx type, Canterbury mint; Eadpold, moneyer. + AEDELRED REX . ANGLO\X, draped bust left holding scepter with trefoil head / + EADPOLD M : U CAENT around circle containing cross, C-R-V-X in angles.

*-*Aethelred II AR Penny. Winchester, struck ca 984-991. Transitional Crux type. Aelsige, Moneyer. + Ã~FÃ~PELRÃ~FD REX ANGLORX around central circle enclosing diademed & draped bust left, without scepter / Ã~FLFSIGE MOT PINT around central circle containing voided cross with pellet center, C R V X in angles.

-**Aethelred II AR Long Cross Penny. London mint, ca 997-1003, moneyer Eadpolis. +AEQELRED REX ANGL, draped and bare-headed bust left / +EADPOLIS MO LVND, long cross voided with each limb ending in three crescents.

+ Aethelred II AR penny. Lincolne, moneyer Osgut. +EQELRED REX ANGL., helmeted bust left, shield on shoulder / + OZ / GOE / DMO / LNI :, square with three pellets at each corner, sides bisected by long voided cross, each arm terminating in three crescents.

++Aethelred II AR Penny. Last small cross type, circa 1009-1017. Cambridge mint; Cniht, moneyer. +EDELRED REX ANGLO, diademed bust left / + CENIHT ON GRANT, small cross pattée.
Silver Penny
Royal Monarchy
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