Designed by Nigel G Wilcox
The Paragon Of Metal Detecting
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British Sterling Currency - Numismatics,
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Henry VIII 1509-1547  AD  

Henry VIII, born June 28 1491, was the second son of Henry VII. Henry originally had an older brother, Arthur, but he died in 1502, leaving Henry heir to the throne. As a youth he was tall and athletic, frequently engaged in hunting and sport, but also intelligent and academic, speaking several languages, following the arts and theological debate; indeed, as king he wrote (with help) a text refuting the claims of Martin Luther which resulted in the Pope granting Henry the title of 'Defender of the Faith'. Henry became king on the death of his father in 1509, and was welcomed by his kingdom as a dynamic young man.

The name crown comes from the French gold couronne, issued by Philip of Valois about 1339, which featured as its obverse design, a large crown; and the écu ŕ la couronne issued by Charles VI of France about 1384, which had a shield surmounted by a crown.

The Crown of the Rose coin was valued at four shillings and six pence (4s/6d), weighed 3.5 grammes and had a gold content of 23 ct. It was only struck for a few months. Due to its very short circulation, there are currently only two known specimens.

AV Crown of the Double Rose (26mm, 3.69 gm, 8h). Second coinage, struck 1526-1529. London mint; mm: rose.

hENRIC VIII RVTILANS ROSA SINE SPIA', crowned double rose flanked by crowned H and K (Henry and Katherine of Aragon); saltire stops
DEI G' R' AGLIE' Z FRANC' DNS' hIBERNIE, crowned royal coat-of-arms; double saltire stops.
Royal Monarchy
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Henry VIII

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