NW Education, Training & Development
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Looking at Education today, one Perspective...

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Is The Teaching Profession so Black & White?
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Left Wing Education...
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Left-Wing Education?
An American Standpoint: 'Be the Light Daily'

The difference between teaching and indoctrinating. Anyway, today, we are going to look at another aspect of the left’s stranglehold on education, specifically the indoctrination of students. According to Wordnik, indoctrinate is defined as “to imbue with a partisan or ideological point of view.” To most of us, an informal synonym might be “ to brainwash.” Most people understand that there is a big difference between teaching and indoctrinating. As a teacher, my job is to show students many sides of an issue, explore them, and then let students decide their own view as long as they can support their views with facts and logic. Indoctrination involves only one side to an issue and it is dogmatically taught to students as the only way to view said issue.
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Left Wing Education  [3-5]