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Is The Teaching Profession so Black & White?
Action Plans? What Action Plans….), I can be looking for professional full-time employment, which, as you know is a full-time occupation in itself. The placements these initiatives offer is compulsory; not voluntary work within a charity shops. What benefit is that to me?  The position requires me to learn something new! It is like placing a brain surgeon in a sweet shop.

I have worked for nothing, most of my life. All it is; is an excuse for organisations to obtain free labour - 'a form of slavery' as benefits are one-sided. My time is valuable, especially at my age.

I am keeping my head just above water, my car will be off the road early next year (2012) and chances of obtaining work will diminish even more. Thank God that baked beans are cheap, not sure when I had a good meal.

The Governments of the day have let this country down, big-time for what seems to be personal gain or misappropriated projects.  The riots, strikes, are ways that the British people can 'shout back' their anger. (We could do an Egypt or Syria, but we are British!) From what we can see, politicians are earning good money, (we have heard the rhetoric from MPs). The public do not see any reductions in salaries. Bankers are laughing at us, an insult to public intelligence, even though some are questionable and the banks are still dictating their bonuses. Some banks (One well known bank in particular are even giving money away in a competition 2011). public, private money?  It does send out the wrong message.

Manufacturing is the key, but maybe too late -(closing the gate after the horse has bolted springs to mind). The Government have mismanaged the taxpayers money, period - they now need to account to the people of the United Kingdom.

Obviously there are a number of issues discussed here and may seem to mishmash with current events, however they do interact within everyday life. Factors that have brought on these circumstances, classroom behaviour contributing to highlighting absent moral values, little or no guidance in the way parents bring up their children and the limits and measures of parent's powers to administer appropriate discipline, without the threat of political correctness.
The lowering one's self-confidence and distrust in the system, especially concerning teacher support, one can't help but place some blame of being out of work onto the pupils that were just 'larking about' in a place of personal development and education.  (One can now reflect and can understand the future is bleak for many young people and some may have given up due to reconising the failures in the system, their learning needs and barriers, not mentioning their future without work or income), or do I give them more credit than I should and reserve this for the quieter pupil or educated? This is one inner conflict that many teachers experience from time to time.

Politicians have much to answer for.

For me and like many…….I have no purpose and it seems I am disposable. I am educated and I still find myself within the divide of the poor and the wealthy, even in 2013.
Source on record
Consequences  [3-3]
Classroom Behaviour
Article Consequences - 2:
Parents To Blame?
Classroom Behaviour MENU