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5 Series Beamer
Diary of a Second Hand 15 year old Beamer (Maintenance - Battery Drain included...,
BMW E39 520i year 2000 Engine 1995cc)
M Series.
Workshop/My Diary - Electrics
Boot (Trunk) Fuse Assembly
fig. Rear - Boot Fuse Cluster (O/S)
....What I do suggest: is NOT to take the problem to the BMW ‘dealership’,only as a last resort, as there are two tests at a cost of £50 a throw. One was for an MOT style test, but without the MOT Certificate and the other for an electrical analysis - I had a number of problems and these were with: a) Airbag Light (mat under front passenger seat, rear) as well as: b) the elusive battery drain. I knew about the airbag light remaining on and I did mention this at the time to the 'Stealership', sorry' Dealership!
So, they did the MOT styled test and suggested there was a fault with the Airbag light as the light remained on, I knew that as I could see that.... and then they continued to tell me it would cost me another £50 for an electrical analysis to find out about my battery drain problem. To rub salt into the wound they suggested the airbag problem could be rectified by paying them £480 for a new passenger mat and sensor. Obviously this was a case of 'rip off dealership consumer service', I was not happy and disappointingly they have lost my future custom.
Contents Page
fig: Boot Fuse Layout
(Check Download files in Contents for full notes of layouts)
Note; Safety - Before commencing with Electrical Work, Disconnect Battery)
Boot Location