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5 Series Beamer
Diary of a Second Hand 15 year old Beamer (Maintenance - Battery Drain included...,
BMW E39 520i year 2000 Engine 1995cc)
M Series.
fig. Boot - Rear Fuse Cluster
Battery (Continued)
With fuse 4 out, the battery is still charged and start-up is on day 8, so-far-so-good….. I will also have to look at the reverse sensors and replace or clean up the connectors, so that fuse 4 can be replaced, but that will be for another day... (Last edited by NGW007:14/10/14 at 15:08)

Even though there are three batteries in a recharging cycle, I decided to add an isolation switch with an inline fuse. This allows me to shut the main battery down, leaving enough trickle, via the fuse connection to allow the alarm system to be functional. One point to (note: With this device it is easy to start the vehicle and blow the fuse when the switch is isolated, so have plenty of 30 amp fuses in stock).
Update 22nd December 2014) I decided to take this isolator off as it was not giving me a good battery earth from the main battery negative terminal lead. The fuse connector rings kept on breaking due to the battery being lugged in and out for recharging, ok when the source of the battery drain has been identified and put right.
fig. Inline Fuse Isolator Bezel Attachment
(eBay: Tompomone £6.98)
For those that have followed the E39 battery saga....It is now October 2014, most of the jobs I have wanted to do have been done on my BM. I thought I solved the problem concerning the battery drain, however the problem persists. The battery can last up to around eight days now and a little longer by using a shut off on the battery. Initially, there is still a slight drain because there is an inline fuse connected to the battery to allow the alarm system to work. This system does extends the battery life for a little longer but does lead to the inevitable if the source of the problem of battery drain isn't identified and corrected). A possible option for some.
Contents Page
Note; Safety - Before commencing with Electrical Work, Disconnect Battery)
Workshop/Diary - Battery
5Pcs Inline 16 AWG Cable Mini Blade Fuse Holder Box Splash Proof For Car Boat
An alternative fuse assembly for the connector:
(eBay: £3.65 - Goodluck-1987)