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5 Series Beamer
Diary of a Second Hand 15 year old Beamer (Maintenance - Battery Drain included...,
BMW E39 520i year 2000 Engine 1995cc)
M Series.
fig. Boot - Rear Fuse Cluster
Workshop/Diary- Alternator
Contents Page
fig. Source - 90 Amp Five Ribbed Pully
Air tools does make life a little easier, if you have them, good for you! However like me, and you haven't:
However, there were dead leaves and that green colouring on the copper teminals and just thick dirt generally. I went to work cleaning all the terminals, using a wirebrush on a drill bit and they came up well. Re-angled the fan blades to their 90 degree angles and checked for noise as it rotated and adjusted accordingly. Put it all back together and thumbled for an hour trying to get the alternator and belt back onto the car. Tested it and it reads 13.7V to 13.9V on the dash computer. Just as I finished, and by now a little wet, it stopped raining and the sun came out - Wonderful!
So to conclude: I am still using the 90 Amp Alternator, cleaned connectors and checked what I could do inside the unit, put it all back together, fitted back on the car and will check out its performance and the battery charging ability over the next few days. (The 120 Amp will end up in the garage with the other spares until I need it, it will most likely not be used for this current Beamer unless I can solve the pully problem without having to pay out). Not a good advertisement for the recycling outlet that sold me this unit, leaves a bitter taste, especially when they had the vehicle information. Anyone want to buy 4 ribbed pully 120Amp Alternator?

4 Ribbed Pully Extracted
fig: Wrong Pully
fig: Replacement
fig: 120 Amp 4 Ribbed Pully Extracted
fig: Correct Pully - Will not fit onto Centre Spine as too short
fig: Replacement
Note: the centre spine exposed area is too short for the current 5 ribbed pully!
Check before taking off vehicle.
120 Amp
Pully off 90 Amp Alternator
Note Width of pully