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5 Series Beamer
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Diary of a Second Hand 15 year old Beamer (Maintenance - Battery Drain included...,
BMW E39 520i year 2000 Engine 1995cc)
M Series.
Workshop/Diary - Tyre Levers
29th July 2015
Useful Tools
Set of 3 Neilson Tyre Levers 24, 20, 12 Inch Drop Forged Car Motorcycle

Product Information

Drop Forged Tyre Levers. 24, 20 and 12 inch levers made from drop forged steel completed with a chrome satin finish. With tapered ends, these levers are built to last; due to built in corrosion and rust resistance.
•Drop Forged Tyre Levers
•3 Sizes: 24, 20, 12 Inch
•Chrome Satin Finish
•Rust and Corrosion Resistant
•Tapered Ends
eBay:  £12.95 [Mandy's-Tools-Ltd ]p&p inc.
A set of tyre levers can be useful as a multi-functional tool e.g.: prysing ball joints apart or any stubborn fitting. I always said,  during a car maintenance job, that "I could do with something to lever some stubborn part or old fitting" and turn to  screwdriverswith handles that break or tips that bend. After the job, I would  forget about getting a set until the next job came around and think, "Why didn't I get that set of levers....?". To prevent this situation arising over again, I have drawn up a 'Get List',  and since I have been recording my diary, this has helped me to focus and remember the items to get over a period of time to compliment my other tools and eventualy replace the broken ones. Since doing this, I have completed my repair tasks quicker and with more efficiently, saving time and money. This is another one I can now tick off my list of items.