Within The Realm of Trick or Treat
The night is young, the mist does fall
On this damp street, the lamps shine, fall.
The shadows hug the gardens deep,
With the sounds of rustling of those that do not sleep.
The bats relay between the lamps
The trick or treaters laughter sounds,
As the doorbells ring and costumes parade
Candles glowing flickering within the wind thats made...
From the rooftops a witch looks down,
To see this night as a sacred realm...
Where the spirit of spells have their place,
On this Earth, she rings her hands with smile on face.
Through the skys, the city soot of bonfires and candles
Blankets above the houses and office blocks...
The owls hoot and screams in local woods,
Adding to the air the theatrical goods.
She rings her hands and with a raspy voice,
Cackles! A sound that escalates thrice...
The skeletons walk, the pumkins knawls, smiles!
And stardust falls on every child.
Deep in the caverns the Master awake
The Wizard with glory on this day...
The book of spells he reads out loud,
The flash and whoosh, the spell is bound...
He brings the magic to the stage
To bring in fantasy and the dreams without rage...
Inplace of dispair and lost hopes and stares.
Reality, the wars the strife of life,
The violence, the soul destroyed by mindless hipe...
All changed with purpose along the roads
Factasy, dreams and young ideals arose.
Another night, it is complete
The spells are within the trick or treat
The evil and demons have been put to bed
A boulder on top, to rest the dead.
Author Nigel G Wilcox 01/11/15

Chapter Six
Author Nigel G Wilcox 01/11/15
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Ideal Screen Composition 1024 x 768