Chapter Six
Hidden Depths
If you love something precious, you can't keep it caged...
You must sacrifice your feelings and let them flee without rage.
With the freedom of flight, with an untethered leg...
The flight will be short and then return to the den.
A selfish act is always seen,
As destructive like the thrust of a knife within the spleen...
The bacteria grows and multiplies,
The back stabbing is sharp and unseen...
The illness envelops with a runny nose
And spreads to neighbouring friends not foe,
Bringing down large buildings all in one go...
Some depth, some mystery and at arms-length,
The stir of emotions, sends curiosity, extends...
To see a strength, to feel an embrace
Without the smothering into ones space...
Feelings, attachments form over time
And strengths of partnership, love entwines,
A tenderness, sweet words follows a kiss,
A shared experience, love stirs and life is bliss...
The enemy are those outside the door
Offering turmoil, anguish even more...
The locks remain open and they may come in,
Beware of the dangers within.
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 02/04/15

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