Chapter Six
To Be Awoken

I am placed in this world
And awoken within a dream…
In a large hall, I struggle through the noisy crowd that screams.
A colleague has the score, the examination results
From a desk in the room, there are letters on the form.
Pushing to see them, he turns away…
Pushing and forcing through the crowd as to say,
You will not see them today, or today, or today…
A surreal world, it can only speak
Of frustration and turmoil of my existence, its bleak!
My efforts, accomplishments they are real,
The seeds hit the rocks and then disappear…
For those that grow from seed are very few,
Grasping at life and opportunity
Growing with potential and then dissolve like dew…
There is acknowledgement I am here
With the wolves at the door, howling and wanting,
Wanting more and more.
Getting lost in the crowd, they find you in time.
The feeling of hopelessness, drowning and dying.
The dream changes and tasks have to be done…
One is living a life, whether you like it or not….
There is very little or no support, it seems all gone.
If there is a purpose, it is known only by one?
I question my life before, what had I done?
Perhaps I am here as a fugitive on the run…
The powers that be, the judgement have begun?
What in this lifetime, a second goes by
The struggles of the poor man, is it not I?
Was I wealthy, in my own cocoon
Like a king, forging out doom?
The Vladimir’s, Hitler’s of the day…
A Politician, banker perhaps, one can only gasp and pray.
I am not sure where I go from here
I cannot afford to cry in my beer…
Yes! I can still jest in this room of despair
Amongst this crowd, ballooned and without cheer.
One day follows another and another and another…
Dreams do come to an end.....briefly one can awake,
And return to slumber, to be replaced by another…

Author: Nigel G Wilcox 18.12.14
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