Chapter Five
Author: Nigel G Wilcox  07.09.14
A day when the sun shines down
I walk tall; I look to the skies.
From my days of learning,
My brain washed thoughts
Expecting my words to be heard…
With no verbal response or recalling.

A day when the world is overcast
I crouch; I look to the skies.
I see what is to come, in my mind’s eye
The discomfort and disorder
And the form of disguise.

A day when the clouds decide to bust
I fall to my knees, the Heaven cries.
Man ignores the everyday signs…
Inequality, disease, its changing form
To Those of deceit; the lies.

A day when the skies turn red;
I lay out stretched, see man beat
One turns their head and looks into their
soulless eyes…
There will be only a few that sees what’
s left
They too will look to the skies…

A day when the snow drops down
They will walk a shivering line …
One will look around and search for their brethren,
There will only be Isolation of time…
Nature will reassert itself, once more!
And men rule no more, to be confined…
A day when the wind blows hard
Man will look to the skies…
They will remember what once was…
Reliving the past within their minds.
What was comfort then, they now know, today their demise!

The day the wind blows hard and from the dust …

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