Chapter Five
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 29.08.14

One holds their breath,
Each day one sees…
When hearing the news
And another sneeze.
The tangled mess of deceit, the lies;
Politicians smirks the power strives.
The Scotland debate, The EU gate,
Policies strained to the UK State
Boarders breaking at the seams,
The illegals, crimes, unrest reviles.
Touch paper ignites sparks and bows…
Haunted words, “Rivers of Blood”
A fool, they said, a debate of mud.
The fan blows…..
The media broadcasts the sins of those
Elected to public service one knows…
To be rebuffed with “lesson learned!”
The hollow sounds of empty vessels,
Repeatedly; filled from the cracks and dribble….
Where will it end, the lack of trust?
To those that are elected, the toffs the ‘crust’!
History dictates the paths ahead,
The ‘lesson learned’ the lesson is dead!
From the gaps of poverty, to the ignorant wealth…
Reality, brought home imminent stealth…
History, repeats a cyclic mode,
To those elected to fulfil a bode
Creating equality of selfish need
From their sheltered utterings of ‘my need!’….
And their nurtured wants;
Cocooned by their resource, security.
The rest, within the real world outside the gate,
Struggles with words through governed taxes
Paying for playground romps and axes.
Just view the world and see today,
Witness the atrocities through, media say;
Politicians and those with misguided religious views,
In addition of sexual wants and then abuse….
Guided by those with corrupted needs
Are the psychopaths within the crowded trees…
Those that struggle in the real world,
They are rebelling, enough is enough!
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