Incompatible Dream
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Author: Nigel G Wilcox 02.07.12
Chapter Five
The removal van arrived when she was at work.
The parcelled up boxes ready to load…
I thought it would be easier for her to let go…
Well, it was her decision she wanted me to know…
She arrived early from her work that day
Shocked and crying, I held her at bay.
The afternoon dragged as I took out my things…
My heart was broken as I hid behind box lids…
All I could think of was the intimate past,
Our history, our plans, laughter and rows …
The years have gone by, at an alarming rate.
As I reminisce to date, I think of our dreams…
I really thought she was the one…
But, she was different; broken, and gone!
My friends told me, I hadn’t a prayer!
They could see through the disguise of care…
For the recycling, pattern had emerged.
For her to be in full-control and not share
It looked like I was lost in a forest of dreams…
Today I wonder alone, cold and haunted it seems….
Artwork reworked by NGW
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