Knave! I see you have done well...
To save my honour and I; give you a bow.
Your laugh is muted!
However, your skill is sought.
I proposition you a thought!
Upon the highway, 'Express' doth run...
Gent’s and ladies, passengers and one.
The spoils are worth, the effort and risk...
Knave! What is it, you think?
Yes, knave! I do declare, my proposition
Is in the air, consider your wage...
And the beer you spill,
However, you must not ever tell!
Knave! Look at all the women fell...
You may laugh again, ring your bell!
You smile knave! And humour well!
The valiant will win the spoils and trust.
However, remaining very much robust...
Prepare my steed and your nag, knave!
We will ride the highway; or to our grave.
Nay! I speak in jest! There is always a risk...
Forward we ride, to the 'Express'...
Knave! Knave! We are laughing stock.
You fell off your nag and was dragged so well..
Tied into your stirrup, do tell...
Spooking the horses pulling the carriage,
Leaving the drayman and passengers stranded!
Knave! I see the sparkle of our feat...
And the gents and ladies beg at my feet,
With pointing pistols at their heads...
knave! I do declare! Your facemask was not there!
At... daybreak you will face the gallows,
And one will pass.
To save grace my ignorance is true.
And one will pass the pearly gates...
Knave! I am rich... not you!
However, Knave! I do declare!
I have come to know you well...
I need a knave like you as to do the bidding, as you do!
To sound my thoughts and this is true!
So, knave! Wait for your rescue do!
Call To Arms
The Highway Men
Part 2
Author Nigel Wilcox - 04-07-09
Chapter Three
Artwork reworked by NGW
© Copyright Reserved - United Kingdom
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