Chapter Eight
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Before creation, there was a light; a twin flame that came to ignite.
I was told the light would revolve and each flame one mine;
The other foretold, the Mustard Seed, the pot of gold...
It was said within time, was created to fulfil, a destiny, a path of trust for one soul to grow...
A destiny of tribulation throughout; history and in times, one will search, as one without.
And; if strong will meet and complement the chorus of song,
Each time, attracting familiarity and to reactivate the beginnings of the memory.
In time be joined as one, to be enlightened and to move as one...
The Architect, 'The spirits', caressed and nurtured the flames from bare hands and one breath.
That love possessed to split them apart, as so they would search again,
Everyone; I remember, a name on a file.
The patience in waiting and success of my mission.
Isolation, reconnaissance, endurance ...
My ghillie, I blend into my surrounds like a drop in an ocean.
Desperate to find and to heal ones heart, to live a life as mortal breath remains apart.
To discover their true identity within the struggles and depth.
Across the universe on a frequency of angelic song,
Seeking out the dance partner, for where I belong...
Throughout Earth's history and millennia of lives,
The search never ends until I am told, when one dies...
When one meets their flame and looks deep within their soul;.
Will know instantly, they have met their friend in life, of old.
The flames shine with intensity, they know their thoughts and of their spirituality,
One looks into their eyes and sees the truth of destiny.
That was first witnessed and played by the architect through non-verbal intensity...
The horn is blown.
The flames becomes eternal, no space no time.
And one is led, to take High Council, Crowned to the right within the Temple...
One remains trusted and faithful.
Mission Immortality
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 17.05.24