Chapter Eight
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Ideal Screen Composition 1024 x 768
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 31.07.23

Born Before Time
I stand alone after the battle fought in the desert within my mind;
I have fought the heat, the thirst and the pain,
Of a broken heart, time and time again.
true love has been in vain.
With my thoughts I pray for a better day, only to feel the same;
I look up to the heavens, knowing someday, I will be there again…
Life is the ultimate apprenticeship, where one plays out a plan.
The blueprints that were written, even before the Earth began.
We face the daily routines, avoiding the corruptions of man,
Only to be subdued by rules that benefit a few within the clan.
There are those that were designed and born before,
They descended from Heavens Kings and Priests,
Following the spirit of the Word from within,
They rejected man’s doctrines as sin.
Religious clerics, profiteers of their job;
Glorify in their ranking with a heart, far away from God…
Those that are servants, walk the streets,
Do good where it matters and will quietly retreat…
Their blessings amount on earth that is in heaven
And closed doors are opened, celebrating the mana.
Humble of those that abase the state, destroys the arrogance
That they portray and deter those enemies at the gate.
Rebelled by righteousness, our angels will slay…
Note, man that believes a religion of hate!
Destroying our history to rewrite our fate!
Each one of us; walks the dusty path, the demons’ temptations,
They wear their masks, provide deceit, anxiety, depression…
The sign of intolerance with further aggression…
With faith, the voice comes from within,
Call it conscience, a sign, a signal a dream.
Salvation follows, to those that are known,
Or have repented for their sins to be reborn tomorrow.