Chapter Eight
Within Satan's Hand
© Copyright Reserved - United Kingdom
Ideal Screen Composition 1024 x 768
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 13.04.22
Today we witness a Superpower;
A narcissist leader in control…
He has killed thousands of his countrymen.
And killed the innocence of them all...
Many Generals are sent to the front.
Many conscripts, never know the truth.
They are shields, for the bullets and shells,
They are the sacrifices, for an ego for success;
In one man’s eyes...
His urge for satisfaction, has killed them all!
Equipment scattered like graffiti on walls;
For those that loved their country, people and more,
Of freedom to choose democracy,
Than to submit to this one tyrant of yesteryear....
To see the walls, fall from the tower blocks, burn...
The people fight back, against the odds,
With support of countries playing with peace,
The world reset begins and is agreed…
One country isolated by the rest;
An ill leader exploiting the last of his glory days;
To destroy his homeland and the people within,
To scar his history, to suggest it stops with him!
For those that wish to live their lives out, in peace.
One looks for a watch and the hour hand and sees.
On both sides, the destruction is high!
On both sides the suffering is high!
Who sits within the government palace?
Just the narcissist, ex-agent, those Generals remaining,
who next?
A selfish tyrant, with delusional rules.
Power corrupts, through desire of course;
He lies to his people, through the media...
Only to serve out genocide, that is real!
One man that thinks he is God!
Surrounded by those alike, the yes men that nod.
Scared of standing up to him, are they men?
What ‘soldiers’ are they without conscience?
They don't even have the skills...
Will they be damned and tarred as criminal?
Or will they be tossed into a body bag?
For what?
An ex- spy, an actor-politician...
He is more common than rare,
With his own selfish interests at heart,
He has become woke and Western laid bare, irony...
He is only one mortal man that generates fear…
A short life today, the clock is ticking.
The following disciples on the wrong road...
The choices that have been chosen to those that follow;
He wears a cross, really! What is he thinking?

Brothers Fight Each Other With Family in the Middle
Brothers With Arms
Brothers in Arms
Despot Government