Chapter Seven
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Poem Title: Political Catastrophe
   Date Written: 13.06.17                          Author: Nigel G Wilcox
Ref: 94
Guest Book

We have now had another election of political parties and the Tories have just scraped in with a hung parliament. They have invited the DUP or Democratic Union into their fold. The PM Theresa May was expecting a landslide, however the British people decided that the political course is not easy with those that are not sheep or automatons. The British people still think, there are still a few of us, not willing to be brainwashed to political rhetoric or spin concerning poliotician's promises and their motives, especially concerning the transference of power to the EU. What one would consider as treason to the British crown.

One must also consider the lives lost in fighting for freedom against dictatorship in all the past wars on this island we call the United Kingdom. Only to allow politicians to just sell our assets and sell our land to foreigners. Did we not execute a King for such practices?Politicians are also allowing this country to be conquered via the EU to extremism, religious sects believing in medieval traditions? Politicians expects the British people to be tolerant, however the politicians allow through tolerance, the invasion of our country and are committed to the act of treason, in my opinion.
The British people are watching and are waiting for that politician to just cross the last line...
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