Chapter Seven
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Poem Title: Democracy ?
   Date Written: 29.06.18                         Author: Nigel G Wilcox
Ref: 96
Guest Book
Over the years, one can become demoralised  to the direction the world is going. We don't truly live in a democracy. Some can view the decisions the politicians make and we can stand back in disbelief as their policies and actions goes against all common sense and in the interests of the British people. All in the name of political correctness. Even this term should give a hint to whom it belongs, politicians.

There is a strong belief with British people, the working classes that there is a breaking point and we are very close to it.

We see politicians or anyone in the media  or those that associate themselves as part of the elite, the bureaurocrats  going from a role model to a criminal or deviant of one sorts or another and this is now becoming the norm. It is all at the expense of the taxpayer, the British people us! We keep politicians in employment, for now at least, however they are destroying the fabric of British Society, the industry that made this country wealthy and kept our people in employment to feed our families and have a way of life.

This is now being threatened by mass immigration and the greed of politicians to sell off public property to the highest bidder. They are also allowing our country to collapse through continued austerity measures only to prop-up those in power and fund other countries...leaving our own without, political motives are in question.

The warning here is that the 'tides will turn'...…….
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