Chapter Three
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Poem Title: In Grieving             Date Written:  22.010.05
Author: Nigel G Wilcox
I have tried to understand the process of grieving and concluded ironically that it can be a selfish act. I am not being disrepectful or intend to be in this assumption for others going through this process. Greivance is a way of dealing with loss and is a process of the living. An adjustment of the absence of a loved one, bearing in mind, their pain and mortal existance is over for now. We, on the otherhand still have the upheaval of the norm., accepting the disruption, the loss, the pain it brings, the acceptance of change, also the stress of funeral arrangements, meeting long lost cousins or other family members, (possibly not close, for a good reason) and so on. And more importantly, in the back of one's mind an important unanswered question. How will we go? Personally, I am not scared of dying, however I am dubious of the way I will go. Another thought crosses one's mind is the acceptance of our mortality with the realisation that no-one is here forever. That can takes some ­acceptance for some....­even more so when faced with someone recently departed that one knew; it brings home the reality here today, gone tomorrow and one reflects. What is our legacy, do we have anything to show that we were here? Or were we just insignificant? One can quickly suggest ancestory and continuing our species....
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