History of the Origins of Civilisation The Anunnaki Civilisation
The Sumerians
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The 12th planet is often referred to as Nibiru or Marduk. The existence of the planet was first believed in by the ancient Sumerians and Babylonians. Zecharia Sitchin brought these beliefs to the general public when he published the 12th Planet in 1976. Being a linguist, Mr. Sitchin translated ancient texts to form the basis of his work.

According to ancient civilizations, the 12th planet was a large red planet that was inhabited by the Anunnaki (also called the Nefilim by the Hebrews) that periodically returns to our solar system. The Anunnaki are supposed to be very human-like except that they are much larger. These humanoids are supposed to be between 10 and 15 feet tall. According to the ancient people, the Anunnaki first visited Earth nearly 450,000 years ago. Since the ancient peoples included the Sun and Moon as planets, Nibiru would actually be a 10th planet.

The 12th planet Nibiru, only returns to our solar system every 3,600 years because it is in a binary orbit between two stars: our Sun and a cold, unlit star farther out in the galaxy. According to Sitchin, the 3,600 year periodic cycle of Nibiru is called a Shar by Sumerian historians. A single shar lasts a little more than 3,600 years on Earth, but it is equivalent to one year on the Nibiru. According to ancient Sumerian clay tablets and cylinder seals the total period of occupation/visitation by the Anunnaki was over 124 Shars. Sitchin provides compelling historical evidence that the Anunnaki actively participated in the affairs of mankind up to the final destruction of the great city of Sumer in Mesopotamia, about 2,000BC. The Anunnaki’s original objective in coming to Earth was to mine for gold. They atomically dispersed it into their atmosphere in order to prevent core-produced heat from dissipating excessively into space. Since 99% of Nibiru’s orbital cycle is too far from our sun to benefit from its heat, it has to retain its internally generated heat in order to survive The Anunnaki first extracted gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf area, but later switched to land mining in South Africa and other locations due to greater abundance of gold ore. Of course, there is no actual scientific evidence for these theories.
In more modern times, since the discovery of the planet Neptune in 1846, there have been several theories about planets that are farther out in our solar system. The search for Planet X as too slight to affect the gas giants, resulting in a brief search for a tenth planet (12th planet if you count the Sun and Moon). The search was largely abandoned in the early 1990s, when a study of measurements made by the Voyager 2 spacecraft found that the irregularities observed in Uranus’s orbit were due to a slight overestimation of Neptune’s mass. To many scientists this wrapped up the search for another planet; however, the concept of Planet X has been revived by a number of astronomers to explain other anomalies observed in the outer solar system. In popular culture, and even among some astronomers Planet X has become a stand-in term for any undiscovered planet in the outer Solar System.

The work of Zecharia Sitchin has been mostly maligned because of what experts call poor translation of ancient texts and the Planet X theory is mostly dead, but that does not mean there is not a 12th planet just waiting for our astronomers to become advanced enough to find it.

2012: Planet X Is Not Nibiru by Ian O' Neill - (June 19 2008)
The Solar System’s outer reaches still contain many minor planets yet to be discovered. Ever since the search for Planet X began in the early 20th Century, the possibility of a hypothetical planet orbiting the Sun beyond the Kuiper Belt has fuelled many Doomsday theories and speculation that Planet X is actually the Sun’s long lost binary sibling. But why the fear about the Planet X/Doomsday combination? Surely Planet X is just an unknown, hypothetical object and nothing sinister?

As I’ve previously discussed in “2012 No Planet X“, doomsayers have linked the modern day search for Planet X, the ancient Myan 2012 Prophecy and the Sumerian mythical planet Nibiru, culminating in bad news for December 21st 2012. However, the astronomical evidence for these links is seriously flawed.

Yesterday (Wednesday, June 18th), Japanese researchers announced news that their theoretical search for a large mass in the outer Solar System has produced results. From their calculations, there might just be a planet, possibly a bit bigger than a Plutoid but certainly smaller than Earth orbiting beyond 100 AU from the Sun. But before we get carried away, this is not Nibiru, this is not proof of the end of the world in 2012; it is a new and very exciting development in the search for minor planets beyond the Kuiper Belt…

In a new theoretical simulation, two researchers have deduced that the outermost reaches of the Solar System may contain an undiscovered planet. Patryk Lykawka and Tadashi Mukai of Kobe University have published a paper in the Astrophysical Journal detailing a minor planet that they believe may be interacting with the mysterious Kuiper Belt.

Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs)
The Kuiper Belt occupies a huge region of space, approximately 30-50 AU from the Sun. It contains a vast number of rocky and metallic objects, the largest known body being the dwarf planet (or "Plutoid") Eris. It has been known for many years that the Kuiper Belt has a few strange characteristics that may signal the presence of another large planetary body orbiting the Sun beyond the Kuiper Belt. One such feature is the aptly named “Kuiper Cliff” that occurs at 50 AU. This is an abrupt end to the Kuiper Belt, very few Kuiper Belt objects (or KBOs) have been observed beyond this point. This cliff cannot be attributed to orbital resonances with massive planets such as Neptune, and there doesn’t appear to be any obvious observational error. Many astronomers believe that such a sharp cut-off in KBO population may be due to an as-yet to be discovered planet, possibly as large as Earth. This is an object Lykawka and Mukai believe they have calculated to exist.  Images 1 Images 2   
This research predicts a large object, 30-70% the mass of the Earth, orbiting at a distance of around 100-200 AU from the Sun. This object may also help explain why some KBOs and trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) have some strange orbital characteristics (such as Sedna).

Ever since Pluto was discovered in 1930, astronomers have been looking for another more massive body that could explain the orbital perturbations observed in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. This search became known as the “search for Planet X”, which literally meant the “search for an as yet unidentified planet.” In the 1980′s these perturbations were put down to observational error. Therefore, the modern-day scientific search for Planet X is the search for a large KBO or a minor planet beyond. Although Planet X may not be larger than the mass of the Earth, researchers are still very excited about finding more KBOs, possibly the size of a Plutoid, possibly a little bigger, but not much bigger.

The interesting thing for me is the suggestion of the kinds of very interesting objects that may yet await discovery in the outer solar system. We are still scratching the edges of that region of the solar system, and I expect many surprises await us with the future deeper surveys.” – Mark Sykes, Director of the Planetary Science Institute in Arizona.

Planet X is Not Scary
So where does Nibiru come in? Back in 1976 a controversial book called “The Twelfth Planet” was written by Zecharia Sitchin. Sitchin had interpreted some ancient Sumerian cuneiform texts (the earliest known form of writing) as a literal translation of the origin of humankind. These 6000 year old texts apparently reveal that an alien race known as the Anannaki travelled to Earth on a planet called Nibiru. It’s a long and involved story, but in a nutshell, the Anunnaki genetically modified primates on Earth to create Homo-sapiens to be their slaves.

When the Anunnaki left Earth, they let us rule the planet until they return. All this may seem a little fantastical, and perhaps a little too detailed when considering it is a literal translation from 6000 year old texts. Sitchin’s work has been disregarded by the scientific community as many of his methods of interpretation are considered imaginative at best. Nevertheless, many people have taken Sitchin’s work literally, and believe Nibiru (in its highly eccentric orbit around the Sun) will be returning, possibly as soon as 2012 to cause all sorts of terror and destruction here on Earth. It is important to note here that I am not calling into question any archaeological, spiritual or historic evidence for Nibiru, I am simply pointing out the link between the 2012 Doomsday Planet X theory is based on very dubious astronomical “discoveries”; if this is the case, how can Planet X be considered to be the embodiment of Nibiru?

Then there’s the IRAS “discovery of a brown dwarf in the outer Solar System” in 1984 and the “NASA announcement of a 4-8 Earth mass planet travelling toward Earth” in 1993. Doomsayers (often with a book to sell) cling on to these astronomical discoveries as proof that Nibiru is in fact the Planet X astronomers have been searching for over the last century. Not only that, by manipulating the facts about these scientific studies, they “prove” that Nibiru is travelling toward us, and by 2012, this massive body will pass through the inner Solar System, causing all sorts of gravitational damage. For more information on this topic, see “2012 No Planet X.”

In its purest form, Planet X is an unknown, theoretically possible planet orbiting peacefully beyond the Kuiper Belt. If yesterday’s announcement does lead to the observation of a planet or Plutoid, it will be an incredible discovery that will help to shed some light on the evolution and characteristics of the mysterious outer reaches of the Solar System.

But as I write, I can guarantee that doomsayers are adapting this new research to be used as support for their nonsensical theories that Planet X is in fact Nibiru, and it’s coming in our direction by 20.12.2012. Why do I get the feeling we’ll still be here in the year 2013?

Update: Well we are still here in 2022, so far at least...
Note: There have been critics of Sitchins work, however we must also understand that what is not understood by science, in general and by some of his peers, the work is usually denied and shelved until there is an explanation that fits the evidence.
We must also point out Sitchin was an accomplished academic and he considered himself as a true academic. To back this up, he was willing to provide or  suggest a hypothesis with plausable evidence where as his contempories were not willing to go so far. Some may say his interpretation was dubious, at times however one can also say, he is the only one that has attempted to answer or has arrived with any explanation to the archeaological and linguistic findings. This in itself can be said to be an true accomplishment, there is more support for his work as new discoveries are found.
The Paragon Alternative History And Science
The speculation of the existence of an additional planetary body in our solar system is not the fringe discussion of decades past. In fact, as we will see later in this treatment, several contemporary mainstream academics and astronomers are busy postulating, debating and searching for the existence of such a body in the heavens. Nonetheless, mainstream academia by and large does not support the specific notion of “Nibiru” as translated by certain individuals from the early Sumerian cylinder seals, specifically VA243 that is estimated between 5300 to 6000 years old depending on the reference.

The discussion regarding Nibiru will basically be the explanation of the ongoing confusion and debate regarding the translation of ancient Sumerian, Akkadian and Babylonian texts along with the scientific debate against its existence. There are key individuals that will be cited in this ongoing debate that represent primarily two opposing viewpoints. Basically the two viewpoints can be distilled to those that believe the texts are the works of myth and those that believe the texts describe actual events.
Updated and Published 30.05.17 - Further updated 23.08.20
Title: Nibiru Truth
Nibiru Truth
New Bulletins 2020