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Pseudo Science?
The Paragon 'Alternative History And Science' was originally part of the publication: 'The Paragon of Space' and fell under a further sub-heading, 'Pseudo Science'. This today is treated as a derogative term by the majority of us however, mainstream science is slowly opening up and taking a stance with Government officials and shadow elites as they have proven time and time again in preventing research; by closing the doors to the majority. Initially this subject matter was only intended to be a sub-section of the more; as suggested by a minority, a respectable science category dealing with the cosmos, treated as a sub-section, a curiosity of sorts, an attitude reflected very much by the Institutions or bureaucrats, as well as a minority with their own personal agendas, some blinkered mentality as we are seeing within today's society. The ignorance to following what a majority would see as general common sense has been ignored for what seems to be decades and through generations up until today. At the time my attitude was stagnated, as this was also, was mainstream; like many, my attitudes were formed  based on 'what I was taught and what was fed to me through the' educational establishments' and 'institutions', not expecting them to lie to us! How naïve we have been...  It is only now with the events of 2020, that society has had a 'paradigm-shift' or an episode of coming out of a deep sleep and re-opening our eyes to seeing what the true, the realities and their implications are.

What were truths were lies and what were lies were truths and the 'constant' was the establishments that fed us with this propaganda...Political, industrial, media, elite and shadow unknowns have emerged with a spotlight shining on them.

This now raises further questions to whom and what is in control of us; as a species, as a people and what is their real hidden agenda?  Should we continue to ignore what has been going on, their so called 'personal', 'secret' objectives?  What has been covered up and for what reasons, if any?

All publications within this book-shelf series are an aid to; individuals or groups to search and research for the truth and to be encouraged to investigative through discussions or debate, preferably using a scientific approach to help expand our knowledge, views and emphasis on the ideas about life, the environment around us and to explore the truths within Cosmos.
Nigel G Wilcox
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Alternative History And Science
Nigel G Wilcox
Mark email 'Alternative History'
Nigel Wilcox was born in Sutton Coldfield, 1959, Warwickshire and now resides in the Bentley Heath area of Solihull, falling within the boundaries of Birmingham UK.
Educated in England, Nigel is a Post Graduate in Education and Professional Development and qualified in a number of disciplines. He enjoys exploring archeological and ancient histories, quantum theories and concepts, including space travel and planetary geology to name just a few topics.

If you wish to communicate with the synops,  or for a more personal in-depth discussion, please use the email address provided.

I hope you find this site useful in terms as an opening, for debate and further opportunities for research.
Information concerning the website Synops:
"There are two sides to a coin...We may ridcule those that believe in the occult, ghosts, myths, legends, mysteries, some have good scientific explanations, however until we have a sound explanation from scientific evidence published from, or even from undisclosed sources, 'whistle-blowers' via the Government officials, Scientists, media, until all groups are singing from the same hymn sheet, one keeps exploring the hypotheses to seek the truth and to open debate, not by closing it or pulling self proclaimed rank to control the freedom of speach!".
NGW 2012/22  PGDE, PGCE, CEd
The Paragon Alternative History And Science
Suggestions from the Synops is an effort to make sense of the information available and to throw in a suggestion from time to time for discussion for further debate - research? This site is independent and without affiliations to outside agencies and/or political ties to media or external  financial influences, it is aimed for those  wishing to understand themselves, history and who we are as a species.  Videos are used to guide the researcher into topic areas to start their debate, by courtesy of the authors and relevant media outlets.
This is NOT a Conspiracy Publication
Science is based on solid research with hypothesis, conclusive evidence and with results or conclusions that are not kept rigid, or having wiggle room to revise and update our knowledge where and when the information becomes available via our on-going research. Sources remain archived and confidential unless authorised to publish  in  many institutions and this is where the source of the problem lies. However, this publication is left to the discretion of the Synops, with all subjects and materials presented as non-bias and with emphasis on further research to those that read the contents, it is not conclusive and only gives a flavour to the topic.This allows for legitimate research and discussion to take place, without ridicule, bias from forced indoctrination.  Ideas or theories should be based on scientific protocol with opportunities to explore ideas with encouragement, (even if the ideas sound opinionated, far-fetched or fanaticised). As long as the efforts are constructive and towards finding convincing  evidence or to even develop further debates on the subjects explored, forming a  fundamental hypothesis, this will allow investigation by peers, amateurs and professionals, alike, for anyone interested in researching for the truth.  We owe it to ourselves as a species, to understand our origins and no; one person or group has the right to restrict this fundamental human right.

The 'Paragon Alternative History And Science' is a publication in it's own right and places the human species on a pedestal  and under a magnifying glass, as an investigation of importance. What are our true origins? Why are we here?
Updated 16.01.22
The Paragon