Chapter Six
Earth, Our Host

I have observed over a period of many years…
There are varieties of those with many fears…
They attack and then consume on every day,
A cycle to feed to reproduce day after day.
There is one that scars the earth much more,
Removing and moving the ground before…
Vast surface soils are moved to change the face,
Turned into objects and then are temporary placed…

Over the years one has emerged from them all,
The species called human; a king of them all…
Using the resources from the host until gone.
They are a selfish bacteria with no long term goal…
No plans for the future they live in a glass bowl,
Killing all creatures including their own.

I look at the marvel of the planet so blue…
I look at the landscape as it was then I knew…
It was a wilderness of fresh water and air to breathe,
It was a place called Eden, I had once created my dream.....

                                           Author: Nigel G Wilcox 5.04.15
The earth is a host for the creatures of race…
A planet placed in a vacuum
Placed on the fabric of space.
For life to live they need to breathe….
Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide.
The air we breathe on the planet face
When looking around, it looks a lonely place….
Travelling down through a dense atmosphere
One can see creatures and there are many here…
Some fly on the winds;
Some swim in the seas;
And there are those living on the land and within the trees…
There are those with four legs living in packs or herds,
Running on the hovannaghs within the sun and the stars…
There are those with two legs erect and tall,
There are those that can also be seen as very small…
There are so many there are variety I view,
As all is well, as it was designed to do.
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