Chapter Six
Transluscent Pearl

Watching the bead of bubbles roll down the car,
The blue, black reflection on a silver dome...
The sheen of the mirror steals my identity,
Distorting the world into a horrid place.

The rain drops like peas on a pod.
Drumming a tune like a train carriage on tracks...
Pulling my memory, a time shift of travel,
Distorted world, stretched molecules.
"One can see monsters in those hills"...

The whooshing and hum from vehicles,
Through the puddles with a splash!
Shooting; from the Time Lords
A dropped box, a clash!
A child cries, on this battlefield...

The bubble drops and breaks away,
Bringing reality back my way...
The ‘moggie’ next door, muzzles and wants to play!

Author: Nigel G Wilcox   03/04/15
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