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Chapter Five
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Draw back the curtain my friend
Want to see the light?
Or is there just darkness in your heart
From the embers  within your soul now stirs…
Will you awake from your dream
Or was it your worst nightmare?
Was the deal struck, in your subconscious
With no turning back, from your hesitation?

What did you do, to see the light
In your despair and desperation?
Or did you submit, without hope,
Knowing the darkness will prevail…

Did you give in, without a fight,
Not try, so exhausted?
Or was your goal deemed
So un-retrievable, you gave in?

Did you think of the consequences
Of your action?
Or did you judge yourself
As you wished to be judged….

So where is your strength now,
Or are you being hypercritical?
Did you ask the questions
Of what is and what will be?

You have been judged
Was it for your decisions on Earth?
Did you gamble your right to passage?
Or learn from your experience…

All can be lost, but to what purpose?
Our energy, hope remains a constant …
Have you fulfilled your destiny, as life endures
Will you rise, when the time comes?
With survival at this level, we may transfer to the next.,
One hopes...

Author: Nigel G Wilcox  03.02.14
Beyond Our Limit