How long do we need to be living here
A question I always ask.
Before we can call ourselves Englishmen
On the land our ancestors worked
Born and raised on the land I know
And told we are a mongrel race
We are Anglo-Saxon, Roman and Viking...
The 'stew pot' of Europe’s embrace.
When wars are forced by politicians
We all become Englishmen.
To fight their battles to the last man,
For 'Our Country' England.
As soon as the war is declared as won,
Or is dissolves into obscurity...
Our boarders open up, like flood-gates
And our resources are open and free...
As European puppets dancing, to the violin.
The banks became bankrupt through greed,
The politician's are corrupt with power
And tax us, until we bleed.
They take our money to solve their problems
No vote, no asking, decision is made.
The money is taken and not even a parade...
All the money, the Englishman pays, diverted the taxes all one way...
Housing, the roads, the country's needs....?
Whilst the banks pay out their bonus for profits and greed.
Jump Sir! How High?

Throughout history, it was the Kings and Queens, the churches
And now the Politicians it seems with reteric the peoples needs....
A select few, forced to our knees.
To fill the government confers, as they please...
With the words 'we are all in it together'
Despite that fact is true?
The Unemployment queue is getting longer,
As the Politicians drink brandy on you...
Finance is given to International-aid
Our pensioners and National Health degrade
The banks pay out their bonus for profits
And I wonder a vision of our soldiers endevour,
Would they have gone to war after seeing the political mirror
Our ancestors would turn in their graves......
How long do we need to be living here
A question, I always ask
Before we can call ourselves Englishmen
On the land our ancestors worked....
Born and raised on the land I know
And told we are a mongrel race.
We are the Anglo -Saxon, Roman and Viking
The mongrels, a warrior race....
We fought hard for the roots of our English soil
To call it our English place.
How long do we need to be living here, as an Englishman?
Before we are a member of the Human race.

Author: Nigel G Wilcox 14.01.11
Chapter Four
Artwork reworked by NGW
© Copyright Reserved - United Kingdom
Ideal Screen Composition 1024 x 768