In death we wonder...
As we reflect our thoughts
The short time we have together
Embraced we are one
And share the fate
Planned for one and the other
Staring out from the cliffs to sea
An infinite view of destiny
An embrace through a reflecting full moon
Below, the steam arises through the spotlights of a hotel swimming pool...
A holiday from the real world
An escape from the thought of your mortality
We embrace, once more...
I whisper your name...
As I touch your image, a photograph
And I cry a tear, not of sorrow, of joy we shared...
And cry another of what could have been...
My memory continues to recall
Each evening as my head, touches a softness of a pillow.

I know a selfishness on my part
And of days of anger of your absence
Witnessing a trail of broken hearts
And the thought of family and friends grieving.
My strength behind the mask,
I celebrate your existence, kindness, tenderness...
Again, alone, when I fall asleep.
I awake to hold you close to me.
And I realise you are no longer here.
Looking on the bedside table,
Your photograph of you and me,
And I wish you were here.
Time heals a broken heart, in time...
And knowing to let your spirit free.
I let you go to the heavens rise
For I know you are within me...
In Grieving
Chapter Three
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 22/10/05
Artwork reworked by NGW
© Copyright Reserved - United Kingdom
Ideal Screen Composition 1024 x 768