I walk upon the cobbled streets
And light becomes dusk.
I meet a middle aged man
Who wished me well:
"The stars are to be seen tonight!"
And the gentlest voice replies,
"yes, young sir, the heavens light
Upon this peaceful night;
No sin to be upon this day,
Upon the hour…"
His words are heard
Quiet, with a rebounding echo,
"Not all will be happy
And share the joys
You, your kind today."
Confused by his words
I turned to point;
"A new bright moon!"
I turned again.
To see a disappearing figure.
The outline disappearing upon the wind.
I stared re-collecting my thoughts:
Is it all just a trick?
Or my conscience, correcting me?
The Meeting
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 02.01.80
Chapter Two
Artwork reworked by NGW
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Ideal Screen Composition 1024 x 768