Chapter Eight
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Project Left has worked, they are all dumb
They believe Politicians, the Media, Big Tech and the Banks
Author: Nigel G Wilcox              08.09.22
Today we all walk alone…
Those privileged, are now the unaccountable Gods;
Self-elected, self-righteous, selfish moronic automatons…
They lie, they manipulate, they cheat in mass,
On voting elections they are just crass…
We the people see the façade.
Politicians are the kings not wearing their yarns.
They walk around as if toffee nosed, rich.
They are, as they pay themselves, whatever they can reach….
From the banks of the people they gutter laugh to disdain,
With their subsidies on  food and drink they don’t have to explain.
Their low heating bills, they don’t despair or sink….
Out of sight out of mind; they declare and not think.
We only see the food banks on the street.
They just  with their eyes blankly meet the beggars they repeat.
They; the politician are  the idiots once ignored;
Our parents could see they were incompetent frauds…
The millennials today; just want more and more,
Well! They were given everything, since young from the day they crawled,
They will take from others without discourse,
Steal it, violate it and destroy it and there’s more…
They will not debate, only lamplight, until one exasperates and ignores.
They are infants, they cannot speak or think, of course…
They are the new automatons, how so bleak.
Morals or intelligence are lost in the speak,
As governments dissect common sense, litigate without recall or repent,
So they can play, it’s a project, an experiment.
We have the sheep, the ‘animal farm,’ directorate
They don’t talk, just bleat from afar as told by the inspectorate…
Today We Walk Alone