Chapter Seven
The Change for Change Sake
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Author: Nigel G Wilcox 09.01.22

In this year of 2021, our perceptions are fraught accompanied by misfortune and misinformation.
The second year of a pandemic, selected isolation; the deaths of our closest, no real send off...
Fuelled by those labelled the 'Woke', the far-left, the tribes of disorganisation.
Is it the bribes, the narratives or the ignorance, or for the want of an identity for wanting to belong?
The very thing they have dismantled to be automaton of the red-tape state,
Ruled by those without a face, or accountability...
The belonging to a clan that is opaique and yet in ownership of a personal empire?
It is a delusion, for the common man to those that observe...
We see an illness in major Western 'democracies, capitalist 'societies',
The rich, the famous, the High-Tech, the Pharmaceticals, the media to name just a few?
Also those that are seen as the elite, the narcassists are now performing in the open;
One see's those within the shadows peering or twitching, gaslighting at the window to test people's limits,
Because they are allowed to and can by those that practice!
Surfacing under the illusion that the big red line has now been crossed and anything goes.....
Every man for themselves and dog-eat-dog.
This is a the small tip of the iceberg and my thoughts to posthumously record...
Is history not recorded by those that are victorious in their persuasion and manipulation?
Am I not part of this picture?
We see strong countries, those with their 'strong' morals, crumble as the corruption sets in,
The house of cards, new governments create a vision and the blades trade off,
Cease the promises made to their supporters, their followers; the sheep, some reading between the lines...
Overturning policies; for the sake of their identity, their politics, their financial opportunites
Those that are seeking the power without integrity, as they are invisible, unaccountable!
Do they really know what they are doing or do they continue with their sound bytes,
Hypnotised through promises from those that pay the most and are within the shadows?
In the first few months of taking over, the consequences of their actions becomes paramount,
Our laws, our policies, our services have deteriorated, chipped away by the 'red-tape talkers',
The same ones that talk of reducing 'red-tape'...
The self-glorified bureaucrats, our so called service representation and head boys, our leaders...
Rather than via the choices of the people, of the majority, sharing the roles
Deemed as peasants; the sheep lacking education...
Those of the 16th Century, rather than the 21st Century,
'Observations, action, the doers or of the the silent majority'.
Who really owns us?
Why are we more than ever, looking for our Creator? Is there one?
Or is it down to a bureaucratic Designer with OCD? Within the shadows...?
A head-boy, a bureaucratic pen-pusher?
Can it be any worse than the slavery we are seeing and experiencing today?
The excuses to fight yesterdays issues only to reverse the progress made...
Decades ago.....
Just for a minority to sell for 30 pieces of silver...