Chapter Seven
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Poem Title: The Kestrel, The Hawk
Date Written: 23.07.17 Author: Nigel G Wilcox
Ref: 95
Guest Book
Based in the First World War, a kestrel flies over the battlefield, sometimes we compare. human nature with nature, like two birds of prey and ask, are they any different?
It raises questions concerning what is nature and what is human nature?
Being conscience of ourselves and environment, with compassion for others, tolerance and being in control of our actions, one would think we can change our destiny and live in peace?
In nature it is down to survival, the link a species finds itself on the food chain. With man it is most likely down to greed and selfishness. How do we evolve to prevent these self-serving urges to destroy everything we touch?
I once described our species as bacteria, spreading over the landscape to conquer and destroy what we cannot have. Is this not far from the truth?
What do you think?
The title, The Kestrel, the Hawk is a metaphor and describes the fighting factors of German and British troops with their supporting allies. In The Great War, on the front at Passchendaele, whereby many, on both sides lost their lives, some not identified when the remains were found later. Some even drowned in the water filled foxholes and craters during the worst weather storms ever recorded of the period.
The idea of the poem originates and was Influenced by the film Passchendaele, starring Paul Gross in the film 2008 Michael Dunne, also writer, producer and director viewed in July 2017.

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