Chapter Six
Author's Comments on this Poem: 

Sometimes one can sense, no matter what one does in life, whether positive or beneficial to others and self; there is no response from society in general. It is like one is invisible to humanity or a total outsider.
To use an analogy; one can sense the single grain of sand upon the beach. As a single grain, it is isolated without purpose. Put many grains together we have sand, add more we at least have a beach.
One individual can still  feel isolated and without purpose and is prevented through restrictions, obticles, other people from doing anything to change personal circumstances; especially if it is beneficial to the recipient. One needs the vehicle to move and strive forward. The beach has the waves... the human drive mechanism and is unfortunate,  is wealth in the disguise of money, there is not much one can do, without it, it seems within the 21st Century.
Thank you for reading this poem. I appreciate your time and interest.
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Poem Title: To Be Awoken    Date Written: 18.12.14
Author: Nigel G Wilcox
Ref: 76
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