Chapter Five
Author's Comments on this Poem: 

When I watch a classic film, I consider the technology of the day, the environment, and in some ways the naivety of society or how life was portrayed.
In reality, they experienced even more hardship than we do today; without the commercial comforts of consumables and easy access to information.

Optimism seemed part of the make-up of earlier generations, striving for 'better'. In a way a society portraying the Airs and graces on the surface, hiding the personal sufferings of the hardships of this period. Society forgave the movie makers for the corny dialogue and storylines on a psychological level, part of the escapism; only to accept the script as part of an inner reality, perhaps of hope or an idealistic interpretation of life in general.

The poem suggests a process of questioning, romance and a happy-ever-after; whether it was within their past, present or future.
Thank you for reading this poem. I appreciate your time and interest.
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Poem Title: A Classic Scene    Date Written: 12.09.14
Author: Nigel G Wilcox
Guest Book
Ref: 73
Guest Book
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