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Poem Title: D-Day (6th June 1944)             Date Written: 06.06.09
I have some experience of what it can be like on a battlefield, being split from your section, in the dark with flares, smoke, explosions, the crack and visual tracers, confusion, screams and other sounds. And this is in so called 'peacetime' varied locations Europe. It doesn't give us the experience of the horrifying aspects of war and the psychological effects for years after. The scars of friends dying in front of you, the guilt of survival and the sorrow when attending the graves, to remember like yesterday, and not physically able to talk about it. I wrote this to honour the fallen and more-so the ones that are trying to survive post war.

Chapter Three
Ref: 37
Author: Nigel G Wilcox
You can fight the beaurocratic systems only to find you are hitting your head against a wall, or you can place your views in writing to record the ­irresponsibili­ty’s of the political and financial systems or policies of that day. In hope that one day, someone will see and agree with one’s views. So be it, when you re dead and gone perhaps, however right now it good to get it off ones chest by stating politicians are idiots with no concern of the indigenous people, other than what taxes they can fleece out of us to give to the non-indigenous people, also allowing the changes in culture, religion, and the English identity, need I go on….?
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