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Poem Title: Be Careful What You Wish For...
Ref: 102
Guest Book
Date Written: 20.07.20  poem rewritten 16.09.20                        Author: Nigel G Wilcox
Today there is a minority, groups of people with a mandate, out to destroy  the democracy and freedom of the world, for the failed socialism Marxist infrastructure or regime. This is mainly seen as the far-left verses those of the right of the political spectrum. In the UK we initially saw this movement 'in the flesh' exposing itself to become more prominent within the referendum of 2016 or just thereafter, whereby the minority were not going to accept the majority results of the 2016 referendum. The left decided to cause as much mayhem as they could possibly cause and to disrupt or even dislodge democracy off it's secure plinth. The majority of people voted to leave the EU, mainly as it was seen heading for a United States of Europe, that seemed ok at first until, some researched or investigated what the end plan of this move was. The Majority in the UK saw the political changes from a trade organisation to one of being more of a dictatorship, especially when the EU organisations started to make demands on the 27 member countries to align everything such as, Sovereignty, currency, parliamentary powers, the justice system, the banking system, the armed forces, they even introduced a flag and anthem to name a few. This also led to opening the European borders and free movement at the demand of the EU. The consequences also suggested, with free movement the erosion of identity and culture of a country within the medium to long term. What was this to do with trade?

With open doors to countries, there was an upsurge of so-called-refugees, they were mainly illegal migrants from Africa, and Eastern countries, these people were mainly looking for financial opportunity. What was not envisaged was the corruption, organised crime, violence, and the lack of recognition to the existing justice and laws of the lands of those countries that they illegally entered.  - turmoil followed within their wake.

The follow-on to this, was the delays of Brexit by four years and the eventual sacking of a British rogue Government for their incompetence and support of wanting to remain within the EU cause delay tactics and obstacles.  Brexit had still not taken place. With a new Government, with a new mandate to get Brexit done, meanwhile taking in large quantities of  illegals and then there was the Corvid Virus from China. Accident or deliberate, The 'Government' of China, or the CCP used this opportunity of mayhem to take territory from across the world through trade blackmail, whilst inflicting this virus that transmuted across the world. This caused a retaliation of a number of countries, including the USA,  due to China's lack of cooperation in giving advanced warning of the spread of the virus; generally lacking any serious concern for anyone, even their own people. The CCP are the instigators and now have caused many deaths, it seems they were more interested on the stealing of technology, the violation of human rights and the attempts to take land causing more deaths on the boarders of India, further natural catastrophes hit China with the further failures from the CCP to act quickly and to support the Chinese people. Meantime in the US; an arrest of a black man known to have a long history of criminal violence and crime had died during his arrest and was in police custody. Due to the method of arrest this man described as black, died in custody.

During the lockdown of the CCP virus; a number wishing to disrupt and split the adhesiveness of societies, decided to hijack the BLM marches for the causes of Black Lives Matters in conjunction with the death of the man in police custody,  what was now labelled as a murder, by those police officers involved in the arrest and the mood of a minority also changed and spread to the shores of the UK. Breaching lockdown rules, the BLM against the Government stipulation; in controlling the seriousness of the Virus and it causes, the BLM gathered and marched in London, this led to riots in the streets of Capital London, looting and the toppling of statues and via the new movements that joined and took over, these movements proved to be non peaceful, with a destructive agenda to cause mayhem for different political reasons.  The 'Cancel' and 'Woke' cultures were also born and the destruction, looting, defacing of property, the destroying of businesses continued. Funded by unknown sources at time.

Meanwhile the Governments, at least in the USA and partly the UK were seen on the backfoot and appeasing those that had far-left radical views. The Governments eventually snapped out of what was seen as a paralysis or any signs of counter corrective action to this problem and are now slowly starting  to get  back some form of Law and Order or Justice,  reiterating sorts of. While doing so, varied sources  found or identified that there are some radicals within in the Civil Service, that infiltrated government offices; being members of the these extreme left groups and therefore were seen to be appeasing this disorder, if not encouraging it from those at the top down. The question was 'should there be political bias in the Civil Service?  The same for the Media presenting News that people rely and sometimes depend on.  For the UK; the government are now purging the Civil Service and other departments and organisations to try to bring some form of normality back into society... This is like climbing a mountain as each day, other problem areas have been found wanting and have required further investigation and intervention.

The poem, after all that; is another view or perspective from the point of view of the  author and writer,  trying to make sense of it all, as with most of us...
Chapter Seven
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