Chapter Seven
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Poem Title: Humans and Their Existence
Ref: 100
Guest Book
Date Written: 20.12.19 Author: Nigel G Wilcox
After writing about the Sumerians, it got me thinking of alternatives concerning man's existence, one can imagine what life is after death, where do we go, will it be better than here? Are we in heaven already; or in hell?
Some may consider this subject as morbid, however it is in our nature to be curious, we as a species like to explore all possibilities. For what ends, we just don't know, and we have this ability to imagine. Why do we have this ability?
This poem explores and asks questions, some people may have not ever considered before. I believe we are a programmed species, working through a problem, we could be defined as a biological computer with a hive consciousness working on snippets of a problem and not privy to understand the full picture of our task until the program is concluded... The next question would be, would we understand? Or do we revert back to an empty nothingness? An interesting concept, for some of us a terrifying thought....
We can go around the block with such thoughts and still not arrive with an answer. There is only one way to find out however, I am not planning to go just yet, unless something out 'there' decided it is my time.....

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