Daisy (..the Mogg!)
I always thought I had no emotion,
Especially with another human.
I was right, my feelings were distant.
Perhaps a barrier to protect me from friction.
Part of me changed one day, my feelings were blasé
With a furry bundle, arriving at my window
Looking for attention, she crept in sniffing around
laying claim to my ground and processions.
Along the skirting boards and onto the couch
Under the throw and sleep she did go…
Day after day, encouraged by the food I left
She was at my home until at night she left.
She would share my battered Cod, not the chips
To the point where she would eat most of it,
Another favourite treat, was the boiled ham in the fridge.
She would lick her paw, concluding contentment and bliss.
She did this for a number of years, each month became more fixed
Living here permanently, her real owner, departing existence.
We gathered a routine, sleep, eat, and she went out,
Coming back to me to watch the TV then sleeping about.
I bought her some toys and played for a while.
And occasionally she would join in, she was clever, gentle and loyal;
She was sassy, she joined in only to stop the embarrassment I believe,
She and I were a team and we were comfortable

December 2000-16th August 2019
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 26.09.19

She would purr and I would sing her favourite ditties…
I remembered the first days, she would spring out of the opened windows,
Today, I built her some steps to aid her, placing the odd chair strategically,
A sign of her age, her ailments and a reminder of our mortality…
This morning was sunny and bright, she jumped up on the chair and missed,
She came out with a cry and I carried her outside with a tear…
I knew today I would need to see a vet for her dilemma.
She was still, quiet, alive and I spoke to her for a few hours until the time.
After a journey, we arrived confronting the vet, I could not speak…..
His patience was a virtue and understanding, gentle with words I knew,
My emotions had arisen with tears in my eyes, as I looked into my companions eyes…
We knew, what needed to be done, with preparation, not a moan or a murmur.
Her eyes changed into a misty haze, it was immediate, without a pause.
She now resides in her favourite place, under my window where the flowers grow,
My window remains open as I reminisce, with a tear when alone…
I really do miss her, so……….
Chapter Seven
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