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Screen Composition 1024 x 768
Lands of the Free

The battlements have forged our island
Our people are ready for those enemies already here
Now emerging with demands, they brainwash the few
Under the disguise of peace they come
Representing an unfair ideology, corrosive on the whole
Systemic within its matrix and destructive to the souls
Our politicians and those that are easily led
They are blinded by those that manipulative
And those that are weak, they hunt in packs,
Killing and they preach
Thinking they can change centuries of teaching
Or rely on scriptures to turning the other cheek.
What comforts they gain from their faiths
And how they represent deaths
What have they done, when they opened the gates,
To allow hell into the lives of those living in peace.
A political act? A malicious act, to those that possess the greed
From Chaos to greed, those self-serving elite
Those diagnosed as psychopaths with DNA to match
They want free movement for all to see
Only to try to integrate the snake and a mouse in street theatre today.
How does one change what is innate
Or a leopard change its spots

What results in mayhem and death
Until there is nothing left, not even their souls
Only to turn on each other through self-serving laws
That suit themselves, again, self-serving, those that have and those seen wanting of goals
The media, the elite, the tools of the trade, spreads propaganda and outrage
Our country needs a leader, not guided by manmade mechanics or spades,
The Civil Servant, those, pioneers of micro empires , those bureaucrats that panic
Like one size fits all, reluctant to change, they bury their heads in their desks and ignore.
What difference are they, from those that invade, killing those in the Western lands
We need a maverick, one shining light that once walked the land
A leader perhaps, like Arthur, the Knights that are bold
Thinking of the people’s interests and the country on the whole!
They will fight for our culture, not for the lost years of doom
But for traditional common sense values like our ancestor’s thought true
We need to come together, as the Britons always do
To conquer the invading armies whatever their disguise they choose
And push and eject from our boarders all undesirables proved
To send a message to the armies, scattered around the world
Invade the United Kingdom at your peril and let it be known
Britannia protects our seas, our boarders as the British people protects our homes
We as a nation are United and will fight for freedom and appose
And those that think they can change our people will see us nose to nose
History will repeat itself on our battlefields and those without souls will know
By going to the hell where they were ‘manufactured’, destroyed together or in one blow
The cult will cease in the West and our Knights will wait and sleep
Only to stir when the evil beast raises its ugly head……
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 08.02.17
Chapter Seven