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Chapter Seven
Penal Colony
I contemplate the years ahead,
Only to know it as a dream.
The clock is ticking, the sound gets louder,
The time is just minutes away...

Reflecting one's life,
Luck must be a part of me,
I am thankful for the mercy bestowled on me...
For whatever it was, I just cannot see.

But a purpose, only I can imagine be,
Within the picture of the reality.
My mind conquers it, it is not of this world,
But the next, wherever that may be, absurb...

I have studied hard and my experience so many,
In my younger days, that were less than plenty.
Love life was a patchy start...
And has continued with vibrance and has become a farse!

Midway with one's life can see,
Health deteriorating, slowly destroying me!
Well, today at least, my meloncoly agrees with me.

My hobbies are my real escape,
Takes my mind off my real dark space...
My purpose, my looks, my health and luck,
In a great heap and floating like a yellow duck.
For the feathers to be plucked, plucked, plucked...

Now can you understand?
My mind translates to being like   F<>Ked! F<>Ked! F<>Ked!

                                            Author: Nigel G Wilcox 24.06.16

The Yellow Rubber Duck
A Nation Deflated!