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A Nation and Destination
When I walk on the streets, I see the years...
The buildings architecture of monarchs preserved.
The trees when young have grown to mature.
The culture identified and no stranger to be sure.
The hardworking man pounds the mills...
The ships, the coal, the auto works,
The wool manufacturing they have all but gone!
Replaced by the politicians to foreign soils my son.
This country was a great nation once...
Today we don't have the rights to lunch.
As our countrymen visit the food banks,
Our money lacking the classes and ranks.
While foreigners work for lower wages; because they can!
As the unelected!  'EUnions' controls and ban!
The ‘british’ worker ceases to exist...
As our culture dilutes into nothingness.
One chance we have to vote to go!
Away, from Europe a corruption we know!
Regain respect!  For the working man...
Our great nation, my son we can!
Accountability for those that have sold,
The foundations of our nation for pots of gold...
No more powers will leave this land!
As greed will diminish their wealth from their hands!
Those with respect may cross boarders, allow...
Offering skills until, home grown can...
Those that find to disagree!
Will leave with family to their roots will be.
There is one chance, we can all agree!
Vote Exit , overwhelm corrupt politicians and see...
Regaining our culture, our work and free!
For our generations to follow, our sons and daughters to be...

                                                                          Author Nigel G Wilcox    12/02/16
Chapter Six