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Chapter Six
My Broadband

My broadband has been switched off today
I twiddle my fingers as I miss the play
I tap my fingers in a QWERTY way...

On goes the kettle and as I think
I will check my email and think oh! What a chimp!
I’ll watch television or listen to radio or iPod....
Wash the car, go shopping, read a blog
I mean book! I’m NOT ADDICTED!

I'm having to wait at least eight days or more
As I cancelled my supplier after four times more
The prices and cost went higher and higher
Here I am, without even a wire

Appointments change no engineer
Cheaper supply and ‘ANY TIME' I cheer
My fibre optic speed is my desire
If only they connected me for a while....
Only joking.....I AM NOT ADDICTED!

The morning has come, I'm being plugged in
Hello world, I have a grin
Wow! Look at the bills, the spam, the blogs,
Spoilers, advertising, porn and jobs
Broadband should be monitored
What rubbish travels the WIFI way…
It should be banned, perhaps one day!


                                           Author: Nigel G Wilcox 5.04.15
I signed up to an online course
Days ago, to feel the force
And now the adrenalin freezes my veins
Without a start I am liable to pay....

My online bills will have to wait
My website will become out of date
My withdrawal from the world is my state
Rocking side to side staring into space...