© Reserved 2005 onward, United Kingdom
Screen Composition 1024 x 768
Chapter Five

Into the fire under a shadow of leaves,
The furnace burns ready for the squeeze.
Into the fire, tamahagane steel and coke
Heating the metal with bellows afloat.
The steel blending ready forging, tempering the blade
Hammer and anvil sing to the same.
Folding over and over again, and again
Taking hours and days to meet the grade,
The heart and sound, the heat and sweat.
Injected each blow the numerous repent.
Memories and skill envelop the brow
The Ancients the warriors the spirits indwell,
The ear of the Master awaits for the tone,
The metal and Key enlighten the throne.
The process of normalising and annealing is complete.
Wet clay slurry, ash carbons discreet.
The austenite phase to matensite stage
Immersing in water to quench, the hardening phase.
Adding the edge with a fine grinding stone
One polishing the allure the imprint desire…
A period of time, three weeks or more,
The hamon is distinctive a signature revealed.
The Katana, definition the beauty of bow
The Master adds a guard a hilt, pommel and dwells…
Reflecting the light of the Masters soul
The embers of the heat of red white gold,
Reflects like a mirror of cold silver glaze,
Koto, daisho awaits a vertical rack,
blade facing up ready to track.
For the brave wise warrior waits…
To embrace the oiled, powdered, polished extract
Presented for battle, and honour for all.
In time of age the warrior dawns;
The katana legacy passes the sun to the ground
Before the spirit of the warrior is just a frown.
The rebirth to the worthy son with honour abound.

Author: Nigel G Wilcox 22.07.12
Artwork reworked by NGW
Full Version: 63b