Me, As Custodian, Of Me!
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 15.06.12
© Copyright Reserved - United Kingdom
Ideal Screen Composition 1024 x 768
Chapter Four
All we have is our Will!
This can be broken,
Reputation can be damaged
when spoken,
Are we indestructible?

Here’s hoping!
By reflecting and striving,
History the archives discover…
Families and friends
Kith, Kin and other…
Photographs and database
Data transferred from place to place.
With reference of photographs,
Placing a face upon face.
Are we indestructible?

Our biographies are written,
Only if considered important.
The sycophants pay money to be
The victor’s writing the history…
Their valueless contribution, distil.
Distorting what really does tell.

A powerbase amounts at the top!
The shape of a pyramid
Held up by the foundation blocks…
The backs of those the elite have whipped!
The expansion of data will correct or delete…
True contributions be, ‘it’ pay?
Our long term retribution
‘IT’ in capitals let’s say…..
If not controlled by the elite!
We will be indestructible,
Immortal, complete…

                         Author: Nigel G Wilcox  27.06.12
©  Reserved 2005 onward, United Kingdom
Screen Composition 1024 x 768
Chapter Four
Artwork reworked by NGW