Chapter Four
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Ideal Screen Composition 1024 x 768
The Procedure

There is apprehension when I prepare,
My bag is packed a few days before departure;
Looking around my home I check my thoughts…
I wonder if I shall see this place again.
I check through my issued papers
It reads like a horror book.

I could change my mind and not go.
To regret it, restricting my life.
What of the side effects?
It could be an embarrassment …
What is worse?
Should I face the pain of self-infliction?
An experience of three weeks duration
So I’m told…

Will I speak out, when I’m under?
Under the influence, like before…
And to be reminded.
I’m a grown man, not a baby…
So much stereotyping
Did they not know, I was dreaming?

Men  can be scared too…
Even the toughest.
I would prefer to cross a battlefield!
Well what is done is done.
An early rise and it will be over.
What is the worst that can happen ?
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 06.05.12
Artwork reworked by NGW