The pages turn as I look back to yesterday
The politicians, finances, Eurozone
Violence in the streets of discontent
Incompatible faiths, cultures, the moral decent
The clock is ticking as I record the event.
The riots and pillaging from yesteryear
Turns full circle, the youth and the immigrant from far off shores
Strike at the heart of the moral cause
A slash within England’s brest
Scars the surface and engraves lament.
The draw of the veil to close the events
The world reflects...
The hardships of financial collapse
The homeless visits
Kitchen's fill a mass
An uncertainty of faith and law
The dark ages revisits the floor
The beaurocratic psychophant
Delves deep within selfishness
The emergence of those enlightened increase
Seeing through deceit
It smothers the surface worldwide
The theatre closes its curtains
The world reflects....
Revisiting the scars of battlegrounds
The seas, skies and land
React to the infestation, of bacteria
Incompatible as time before
The clock is ticking as I record the event.
The floods, the quakes, the volcanos
Are just some of the events?
The natural disasters to us to prevent
A cleansing within a cycle of life
A higher form, a larger scale...
Nature, a centrifugal force, extracts and,
The world reflects....
A question of insignificance prevails
And ones self-worth
Uncertainty or hope, motivates expectancy...
To see, one needs to move into a place of light.
The thought, then to feel the pulse of action to act
Enlightened with two existences of reconcile
There are no excuses....

Chapter Four
Dark Storm
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 24/12/11
© Copyright Reserved - United Kingdom
Ideal Screen Composition 1024 x 768
Artwork reworked by NGW