You speak to me of trust and moral judgement,
On behaviour and reprimand.
You turn your backs on your people,
And make easy decisions hard...
Without discussion with your people
Many 'die' by your word.
For most patriots will follow the battle cry
For hope of a better world...
For what, our paid taxes
Lines the pockets of foreign institutes and you!
You spend taxpayer's money on over sea charities
The countries are at war with you!
They have been draining the British coffers
For decades, can't you see?
The weapons, drugs and power lords...Brussels
They are laughing at you and me!
We may take the high ground and lead the way,
On Human Rights, political correctness,
But they have had their day!
Have you forgotten?
Everyone in the world needs to want to play...?
Our boarders are bursting at the seams
And jobs are a rarity, manufacturing is at stalemate
What is left, that is to say!
And the media, their telephone hacking you and me...
The police are subsidising their pay,
Teachers' pension contracts' in dismay.
NHS, well what else can we say?
The amounts paid out in advance on projects
To be completed down the line
Only to be cancelled as the projects are out of time...
Our shores are insecure, our troops are ill-equipped
We don't have aircraft carriers and reduction in battleships
All our leaders to this date have mismanaged their way
By selling out to Europe thinking they have a better say
Selling out our assets, opening up the doors.
Foreigners taking our jobs and there is increased crime, pause!
Bad investment and dodgy deals
You should be on your knees right now!
What deceit to cloud of mist
You portray to us now?
Is it a balance of extreme?
To wipe off amounts saved; do tell!
To us, the people of this realm,
Will always be poor!
However the country and her riches can tell a tale or two...
While you the bureaucratic puppets are here to ensure.
The, have will always have
The not's, will be remembered, who?
In your opinion will endure
The North, South divide
What chances are there for the hard working man
Having to survive?
The unemployment grows and manufacturing dives...
Bitter? Perhaps, there is much more...
No trust, between the people and government anymore.
Note this warning, of writing on the wall....
And mark these words....
Keep crossing the line, there will be civil unrest and war.
NO! To Looking The Other Way
Author: Nigel G Wilcox 16.07.11
© Copyright Reserved - United Kingdom
Ideal Screen Composition 1024 x 768
Chapter Four
Artwork reworked by NGW