Knave! I have sent a servant to tell...
To brighten your day and to ease your brow!
She will speak of your escape for the time is now.
As the drum beats to your judgement hour.

Knave! As the rope leans toward your head
And wraps around your scraggy neck!
The floor will drop, and you will fall...
But not to worry, knave! you will be caught once more...

A horse and rider with speed so swift!
Will catch you as you drop and swing...
The rope man has been bribed so well!
As to allow the rope to fall and so...

Your bulk will land upon a horse,
Knave! You will ride leaving dust by force!
Travel by night, and sleep by day
And reach an Inn along the way.

Knave! You will agree, this is fun!
And you will pardon the pun...
The Inn that you should rest and stay,
Is the Highwayman, I must say!

The pennies I have given to you,
Will allow protection for both of you!
By the end of the week,
You will return to heed.

The distance travelled will play indeed...
The memories will not linger deep.
And a new proposition will be in keep...
Your loyalty awaits me!

Call To Arms -
The Escape From The Gallows
Part 3
Author: Nigel Wilcox - 12.07.09
©  Reserved 2005 onward, United Kingdom
Screen Composition 1024 x 768
Chapter Three
Artwork reworked by NGW